Goi Peace Foundation International Essay Contest for International Students in Japan, 2019

When do I register?Test1
  1. When you are ready to submit your essay.
  2. Since entries tend to concentrate on the deadline date, we recommend you submit your essay earlier to avoid difficulties in accessing the registration page.
How do I submit my essay?
  1. Create your essay file in either DOC, DOCX or PDF format, including a cover page with your name, your essay title, and the list of ten acts of kindness you performed.
(Note: You may create your own cover page or use the template available to download here.)
  1. Go to either “Individual” or “School/Group” Entrant Registration page.
  2. After entering all required information, click “SUBMIT” button at the bottom of the page to create an account.
  3. When your account is successfully created, you will be automatically logged in to your “Account Dashboard”.
  4. For “INDIVIDUAL”: In your “Account Dashboard”, click “”Add Essay”” on the side menu, attach your essay by selecting the file on your computer, and click “SUBMIT”.Once your entry is successfully submitted, you can download your certificate from the “Download Certificate”.
  5. For “SCHOOL/GROUP”: In your “Account Dashboard”, click “”Add Student”” on the side menu, register one student per row, attach each essay by selecting the file on your computer, and click “SUBMIT.”


  1. What is the essay all about?
    What is the deadline for submission?
    What are the cost involved for the registration and submission?

  2. There are no costs involved. Please, follow this link to read more and submit your essay:https://goipeace-essaycontest.org/


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