Our Celebration of the Dead (Halloween)

When you get to Rome, do what the Romans do. I'd preferably coin this phrase as 'partake in what the Romans do even if you don't believe in it.' Well, that was the case for me when I found myself remembering the lives of families and friends who have long transcended our world. It was a beautiful, but yet a humbling experience. Beautiful because it gave me the chance of thinking about my dad, grand-mother (Ngehndab Catherine Gwanulla-she was a very tall, hard-working and strong woman who went to the farm every day of her life till she passed away) Thought of my mother-in-law and many more family members. It was humbling to note that as we are on earth, we are here just for a little while. This humbling effect made me appreciate life more and inspired me to enjoy every moment of my life; to shun all negativity and to see the beautiful in all things and people.

we used pumpkins to decorate
pumpkins, autumn leaves (the significance here is of the great who have fallen and are now in a place of rest) apples in a basket symbolic of our lives on earth (we are seeds transformed in to beautiful fruits after undergoing different weather types, the green plants (optimism in our lives) and most importantly, the candle light used in celebration of the dead. 

Our Halloween look is us wearing make-up and winking. Typically unconventional

my message for today is in the above quote. "USE THE EYES OF BEAUTY IN ALL THAT YOU SEE AND DO' When you do criticize, be sure that it is born of love (constructive criticisms) and not of hate/envy.


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