Little Humans By Brandon Stanton

One most important thing that warms my heart about this book is the very fact that I was present from its inception on FB liking every initiative and even commenting.
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Today, my little girl makes me particularly proud as she can read through it with little difficulty. Her favourite take in the book is the bit which states that little humans are "super tough, super hero tough."
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Having said that, she's not particularly keen about the fact that she's called a little human. I guess they'd all be saying that because before we could finish reading the book, a 'little human' said, "hey! I'm not little. I'm Big.' Sure they grow big and on their way to growth they sometimes, fall, but they always stand up tall.

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Lesson: It doesn't matter how many times we fall, we can always stand up tall if we work hard at doing the little things most efficiently.


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